Sunday, 11 February 2018

What's in my bag? Feb 2018

I love 'What's in my bag' kinda posts, mainly because I am SO nosey but also because I like to gain inspiration for products. Bags are so personal and even more so our contents, they show a lot about ourselves and our personality. I think mine shows that I am an organised mess. I have everything i could possibly need but its a mess kinda way. So lets get into my bag!

First of all my bag is from New Look and only 12 golden coins, I did try to find it on the website but as it was in the January sales i cant! Anyway I like big bags, lots of room to carry my stuff around and also deep enough so that when i'm looking for something like my keys i can never find them.

My Purse is actually from eBay (link isn't the same one but its very similar!) I wanted something that actually shows both sides of my personailty. Kinda Gothic but also loves Pink and girly stuff!

Hand Sanitizer is a must for me, I hate my hands feeling gross ans sticky. My current one is Aloha from Bath and Body Works from when husband and I went to Florida last year. Smells like coconut which is one of my favourite smells and fruit, makes your skin feel so soft and the smells lasts forever.

My hands get very dry in all weather and i'm currently using a tester from L'Occitane and I will be purchasing a full size when I run out!

I have a plastic water bottle again from Primark that I take everywhere with me. I'm really working hard to reduce my plastic consumption. I used to buy a bottle a day but no more. So its saving me money and saving the Earth. Winning.

I forever have a book with me. I'm currently reading 4 book atm because clearly I get bored *insert eye roll emoji here* The book i'm carrying everywhere at the moment is WITCH by Lisa Lister. This is a beautiful book if you're into Witchcraft. It has its downsides but it's still informing and wonderful!

The Essentials
Hairbrush, Earphones, Umbrella and Gum. Cannot go anywhere without these 3 items. especially my headphones and umbrella because it's Scotland ans we can have all weathers in one day.

So that is my bag. lots of stuff that I do actually use surprisingly.

Let me know what's in your bags in the comments below, Tweet me or go send love on Insta

Till next time babies