Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Cha..Cha..Changes (And Update about life and stuffs)

I've been away for a LONG time! Although I have been busy honestly I have no excuse apart from I'm mega lazy. 
In the months that I've been away things have happened, some bad things that I'm not prepared to talk about just yet (maybe one day though) and other things I'll list in bullet point form (although tbf its nothing that interesting)
  • Myself, Husband and Cat moved to a bigger flat. We had been in the shoebox old flat for 3 years and honestly I just had too much make up and Disney Merch and it was getting crowded.
  • We explored The Hermitage and Queens View in Perthshire
  • We celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary by seeing Fozzy in Glasgow
  • We celebrated 5 years being together and not killing each other
  • Husband got a new job which is always exciting.
  • I got drunk at the work christmas party.. oops...
  • Christmas happened and everything was good for a couple of days
And honestly that's it so yeah pure laziness on my part for not blogging. Soz. 

2018 is nearly upon and 2 things happen.... Some People put up the New Year New Me thing and other people moan about the said people that put the New Me thing (insert eye roll emoji here). Honestly just let people do what they want.
I turn 26 in May and although obviously its still young I don't feel all that accomplished and all I find myself saying to myself is 'I wish...' Well I'm going to stop wishing and  start doing. Stop wishing to lose weight... I'm going to make changes and set myself goals each month and smash the hell out of them. Stop wishing to become a Blogger and  yes you guessed it.... start doing it. Go out to places around me, I live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, I need to explore it more. Just start doing more and less sitting around the house moping and if people don't like it... stuff them to be honest.

What you can expect from me on my Social media this coming year...
  • Make Up looks/reviews/hauls etc etc after all it is my first love
  • Lifestyle stuff
  • Weight loss updates
  • life update every few months
  • Music playlists
  • Top 10 lists etc
and Hopefully a lot more fun stuff! 

In the mean time follow my Twitter Insta Snapchat: phili_92

Lets make friends in the comments babies!
Phili xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Here's a suggestion...Do step by step picture tutorials for really simple beauty and make-up techniques...I can never keep up with video tutorials and I trust you to show me how to do stuff correctly! Love Keeley
